Friday, December 20, 2013

StyleMavRic Spotlight: Rapid Eye Mvmnt

Hey Guys!!! Happy Friiiiidayyyy! I'm so excited to share with you guys this DOPE company Rapid Eye Mvmnt. I've been raving about them on my facebook page and instagram and finally got the opportunity to sit down with them to talk about their brand and the goals for their growing company, check out my interview below with the owners of REM! 


1. What is Rapid Eye Mvmnt?
"Rapid Eye Mvmnt." is a relatively small, online clothing co. The motto is "DREAM$>life", which simply means DREAM$ are greater than life". By using fashion as an outlet, our goal is to empower others to achieve long-term goals. Ultimately, we are in the business of selling DREAM$ in the form of tees, sweatshirts, etc. Also, a percentage of everything we sell goes to our "DREAM$>life Scholarship Fund", providing consumers with a chance to get fly and give back at the same time.

2. How did you get started with your company?  "The idea was idle for about a year, but everything started during the summer of 2013. We didn't have access to any startup cash when everything kicked off; therefore, the three of us put our funds together to do our first run of 60 tees, which sold out in approximately two weeks. When we began, the goal was to keep all business related task as "in-house" as possible. Doing everything ourselves cut our costs but that made things a little more tough. Within one month we were forced to learn the ins and outs regarding outsourcing, screen-printing, marketing, graphic design, etc. The support has been phenomenal though. Thanks to God, family, and friends, we have definitely seen sufficient growth in the past few months."

3. What is the vision for your company?  "Our hopes are that REM Clothing Co. Will eventually grow into a successful empire. In addition to providing dope gear, we want to branch out and engage in other business ventures that coincide with what we represent. It's a Mvmnt. first; clothing line second....Fashion is just the beginning."

4. Where do you see yourselves and Rapid Eye Mvmnt. in 5 years?  "Of course, everyone wants to be the best at what they do. In a fashion industry that is growing exponentially, in five years we wish to be some of the world's leading innovators.Hopefully, by that time, we will be able to give out numerous scholarships and engage in other philanthropic effors as well. If we can manage to inspire a young black college graduate to become America's nextpresident that would be awesome too. Haha..."

5. What advice woukd you give to anyone lookinh to start his or her on company?  "First, we would encourage them to start a company based on something that they are passionate about. Rarely will there be immediate financial rewards from a business venture in the beginning phases. Secondly, be prepared to learn as you go. No matter how knowledgeable you are, you must leave room for personal growth and development. Also, reading is fundamental to starting a business as it is to life in general. Study the greats and note their successes and failures. Most importantly, we would tell them to embrace failure. So many people pass up on the opportunity to do something great, due to fear of failure. Just learn from mistakes and keep moving. If one method doesn't work, revamp your approach and try again."

Be sure to like their facebook page Rapid Eye Mvmnt and follow them on instagram @RapidEyeMvmnt. 

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